Variables comunicados
- 31 Jan 2023
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Variables comunicados
- Updated on 31 Jan 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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Variables email
- changepasswordlink
- projectcontactemail
- projectcontacttelephone
- username
Activación de contrato
- companyaccountname
- contractcode
- cups
- installationaccountaddress
- username
- duracion
- fechainicio
- fechafinobjetivo
- distributor_telephone
- contract_start_objective_date
- Mandatario_reference
Envío de factura
- contact_name
- bill_number
- bill_date
- site_address
- bill_period
- bill_cups
- customer_name
- bill_import
- bill_import_coma
- bill_total_consumption
- bill_maturity
- customer_name_plain
- contract_code
Comunicados (impago)
- companyaccountname
- companyaccountstreet
- companyaccountnumber
- companyaccountcity
- companyaccountvatcode
- contact_name
- contractcode
- contract_start_date
- cups
- street
- city
- distributor_telephone
- total_consumption
- contract_start_objective_date
- today
- today_21
- today_5
- today_text
- bill_period
- bill_number
- bill_date
- bill_init_period
- bill_end_period
- bill_total
- bill_maturity_date
- bill_maturity_date_plus_50
- bill_site_address
- bill_customer_name
- bill_customer_vat_code
- bill_customer_address
- bill_customer_postal_code
- bill_customer_city
- bill_customer_province
Variables documento PDF
Comunicados (impago)
- contact_name
- contact_mobile
- contact_email
- bill_number
- bill_period
- bill_date
- bill_maturity_date
- debt_total
- bank_account
- cups
- site_address
- customer_vat_code
- customer_name
- maturity_date
- customer_address
- full_customer_address
- contract_number
- customer_city
- contract_start_date
- today
- today_text
- today_21
- today_5
- bill_total
- distributor_telephone
- site_direction
- site_city
- site_postal_code
- site_state
- bill_customer_name
- bill_customer_vat_code
- bill_customer_address
- bill_customer_postal_code
- bill_customer_city
- bill_customer_province
- bill_site_address
- maturity_unpaid_date
- maturity_unpaid_date_30